Aesthetic facial plastering

Aesthetic facial plastering
It’s a facelift without needles, threads or injections!
Teiping is a Japanese technique used to activate the nervous system, blood circulation and lymphatic circulation. It is widely used in sports medicine in Lithuania and is rapidly gaining popularity in the aesthetic industry. The concept that skin receptors can influence proprioception, muscles and ligaments, and subsequently body functions, is much older than the idea of plastering. In this case, the teepee is the means to achieve this. Normally, the teepee is made of 100% cotton and the adhesive part of the teepee is made of acrylic.
Our treatments include aesthetic face and neck plastering, either alone or in combination with facial massage. The face and neck are applied after cleansing and drying the skin. The teepee is sealed and left on to achieve the desired result. Already during the procedure, the lifting effect is felt and visible. This procedure saves you time, so that you can be beautiful at the same time as you are distracted from important matters. It is a safe, non-invasive treatment that works well on its own and in combination with other FaceMyo facial treatments.
Benefits of the procedure:
- Corrects the depth and length of expression lines;
- Reduces double hocks;
- Restores and sculpts the oval shape of the face;
- Facilitates lymphatic flow and reduces swelling;
- Lift the corners of your lips;
- Defines the shape of the cheekbones.
Aesthetic face and neck plastering is performed in three ways techniquesthat can be combined with each other:
- Lymphatic – The lymphatic tissue is applied without tension to activate lymphatic flow;
- Wrinkle – the teepee is glued onto the wrinkle. Lymph and blood flow are activated, which improves the nourishment of the wrinkle, thus reducing the wrinkle over time;
- Muscular – A teepee is applied with tension so as to cause activity or inhibition of a particular muscle.
Teipping is not performed in the following cases:
- In case of allergy to the teipo material (glue);
- For open wounds, infections or irritated skin;
- For overly sensitive skin;
- Skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.).