
Benefits of water for the body


Benefits of water for the body

Water is one of the most important elements in our bodies (second only to oxygen). Our body is made up of 70% of fluids, and our blood and brain as much as 90%. Therefore, drinking water regularly is essential for the good functioning of the body. So, we can say that water is the source of life.

Benefits of water for facial skin:

Like other organs, the skin is made up of many cells that need water to function properly. When skin problems arise, we rush out to buy skincare products, but a common cause of skincare ailments is simply a lack of water (moisture). Water is essential if you want to keep your skin moist and provide it with the necessary nutrients. When the skin has enough moisture, it becomes smooth, soft, non-abrasive and non-flaking. Adequate water content smooths the skin, cleanses it and restores elasticity and a healthy glow, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

A few tips on how to consume water properly:

  1. Drink a glass of water before you go to bed and as soon as you get up, as your body naturally depletes fluids during sleep. A glass of water in the morning will also remove toxins that have built up overnight;
  2. Try to sip water throughout the day, which is better than drinking 2 glasses at once, as it gives your body more time to absorb it and puts less stress on your heart (especially if you have heart disease);
  3. Do not wait until you are thirsty, as thirst occurs after a significant fluid loss and fluid imbalance in the body;
  4. Drink more water when it’s hot or when you exercise;
  5. Drinking more water when you are sick will help your body recover more quickly from various infections;
  6. Drink water 30 minutes before and 1 hour after eating, so that it does not interfere with digestion.

To spice up your water-drinking rituals, we invite you to try the VitaJuwel precious stone vials. It is a German quality handmade masterpiece that enriches water with the energetic properties of precious stones.

It’s a great incentive for people to drink as much water as possible to protect their health, beauty and well-being. With VitaJuwel, everyday life will be more interesting, colourful and full of smiles. Because only a healthy person is able to enjoy life wholeheartedly.

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