We make sure your jaw joint treatment is painless and you don’t experience any unpleasant sensations. Although orthodontic treatment, exercises and the caps used may cause discomfort in the beginning, they will not cause pain.
The duration of treatment for each patient’s jaw joint is individual, depending on the cause of the disorder and the treatment prescribed. We aim to treat as quickly as possible, but the cause of the disorder must be addressed, which can take up to several weeks or even months.
After the first visit, you may start to feel a reduction in pain and tension in the jaw area.
Myofunctional therapy treatment lasts differently for each patient, ranging from half to 1 year. For the first 2 months of the intensive period, it is recommended to visit the physiotherapist once a week, after the intensive period for 4 months, the visits become less frequent, every 2 to 3 weeks, and then only once a month afterwards.
Measures to help relieve chewing muscle tension:
- Massage (massage can be performed externally or intraorally on the buccal side;
- Kinesiology taping;
- Microcurrents.
To reduce gnashing of the teeth (bruxism), the causes need to be identified and addressed. For this reason, at the first sign of bruxism, it is recommended to consult a dentist and/or a physiotherapist working on the jaw joint as soon as possible. The earlier treatment is started, the easier it will be to solve the problem.
As this is an uncontrolled and unconscious action, you may only be told that you are gnashing your teeth by someone sleeping next to you, or by a dentist who has noticed the wear and tear during a dental visit.
The main factors that cause gnashing of teeth:
- Psychological – depression, stress, tension, emotional exhaustion.
- Malocclusion. With an irregular bite, a person struggles to place his or her teeth in a comfortable position, causing them to rub against each other, resulting in bruxism.
- Sleep disorders. Sleep apnoea (temporary cessation of breathing during sleep), snoring, sleep paralysis, talking during sleep.
- Body intoxication (parasites, drugs).
- Deficiency of vitamins (B vitamins) and trace elements (magnesium).
- Period of jaw growth and tooth eruption. Studies show that this is the main factor that causes teething in children. It is argued that, until a permanent bite is formed, gnashing is a physiological process in children. It usually occurs after the first milk teeth have erupted or when the permanent teeth start to erupt (around 5-7 years of age). However, bruxism caused by this disappears spontaneously.
Botulinum toxin injections to reduce chewing muscle hyperactivity are only offered when there is no other option after consultation with a dentist/orthodontist. However, in most cases there are alternatives to help reduce masticatory muscle activity.
Mouth breathers have:
– Short lower lip.
– Dry, chapped corners of the lips.
– Blackened eyebrows.
– Anterior head position.
– Elevated lower third of the face.
– Elevated angle of the lower jaw.
– Intraorally, deep and narrow palate.
– V-shaped dental arch.
– Lateral crossbite, anterior open bite, increased horizontal overlapping of incisors, predisposition to Angle Class II malocclusion, gingivitis of anterior teeth.
Myofunctional therapy is recommended if:
- the habit of mouth breathing;
- an irregular resting position of the tongue (tongue down);
- a short tongue/lip flap;
- Facial muscle disorders;
- chewing muscles are weak or overstretched;
- temporomandibular joint disorders;
- malocclusion;
- Sleep disturbances;
- gnashing of teeth (bruxism).
First visit – 60 euros (consultation, examination + physiotherapy) (30min + 40/60min).
The price of the next visit varies depending on whether the patient needs a massage in addition to the myofunctional therapy:
Myofunctional therapy + massage – 40 euros (50-60min).
Myofunctional therapy – 30 euros (30min).
Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for your first consultation and fill in the client form on arrival. Please bring the following (if available) to the consultation:
- kapa;
- a removable functional orthodontic appliance;
- X-ray examinations.
Come in comfortable clothes and a looser collar.